Pediatric Ophthalmology
Many children experience the same vision problems as adults, which can significantly affect proper vision development. Some of these conditions include:
- Nearsightedness
- Farsightedness
- Astigmatism
- Amblyopia, or lazy eye
- Strabismus, or crossed eyes
- Blocked tear ducts
- Glaucoma
- Cataracts
- Retinopathy of prematurity
- Nystagmus
- Genetic eye disorders
Young children may be unaware of the fact that they are experiencing abnormal vision, which is why regular exams and early detection are essential in maintaining healthy eyes for your child. The American Optometric Association estimates that 25 percent of all school-age children have a problem with their vision.
Our practice provides specialized pediatric eye care services that focus on ensuring that children are able to maintain clear, strong vision as they grow. Our physicians are highly trained and experienced in the special needs of pediatric eye conditions and offer patients the skill and reliability to effectively treat these conditions.
Comprehensive Pediatric Eye Examinations
The American Optometric Association recommends that infants should have their first comprehensive eye examination at the age of 6 months. Additional eye examinations should be scheduled according to the child's condition and the recommendations of the physician.
Comprehensive eye exams are essential in the diagnosis and treatment of vision problems, injury and disease. Early detection allows for treatment to begin before the child experiences difficulties in school due to poor vision, or before any permanent damage occurs.
Children's eye exams usually include testing for the following:
- Visual acuity
- Eye tracking
- Focusing skills
- Near vision
- Distance vision
- Amblyopia
- Strabismus
- Dyslexia
- Color blindness
- Slit-lamp examination
Scheduling an Appointment for a Pediatric Eye Examination
In scheduling an appointment for an eye examination, choose a time that is optimal for the child.
Treatment of a Pediatric Eye Condition
Vision or eye health problems detected during a pediatric eye examination are treated by our experienced team of physicians using safe, minimally invasive techniques taking into account the special needs of developing eyes. Treatment of pediatric vision conditions may include corrective lenses to improve focusing or corrective eye therapy exercises. More serious conditions affecting the health of the eye, such as glaucoma, cataracts or retinopathy of prematurity, may require a medical or surgical treatment approach.
Our practice and our physicians strive to provide the highest quality of care so that children are able to achieve optimal vision and eye health that does not affect their school work or other everyday activities.
To learn more about our pediatric eye case services, please call us today to schedule an appointment.
To learn more about our Ophthalmology Services, please call us to schedule an appointment at 713.473.5715!